By teguh hadi s Thursday, October 8, 2020 Video Understand Basic hypertension Meaning 13 Effective Ways to Lower Your Blood Pressure. High blood pressure, or hypertension, is called the “silent killer” for good reason. It ofte...
By teguh hadi s Thursday, June 18, 2020 Video Overview Basic hypertension Definition Subscribe to our channel and get 10 years of good health - You don't have to embark on a major life overhaul to ...
By teguh hadi s Monday, October 5, 2020 Video Summary Types hypertension Meaning I like to share one very important thing everyone should understand about garlic and how it can keep you healthy. Please subscribe so you an...
By teguh hadi s Friday, May 22, 2020 Video Outline Types hypertension Meaning Resume Basic hypertension Terminology High blood pressure, rarely has noticeable warning. But if untreated, it grow your risk of serious pro...