By teguh hadi s Wednesday, July 29, 2020 Video Overview Types High blood pressure Terminology He was suffering from low appetite, hearing loss, thyroid, high blood pressure and drowsiness from a long time even though he was taking med...
By teguh hadi s Friday, July 17, 2020 Video Understand Types hypertension Meaning Hi friends, myself Dr.Lokendra Gaud, welcome to my new video on Best High Blood Pressure | Pulse rate | High Fever | High Temperature | Feve...
By teguh hadi s Wednesday, August 5, 2020 Video Understand Types High blood pressure Meaning Dr Naveenbalaji's Herbocare Hospitals To watch our real time testimonials of the miraculously recovered patients after treatments by \ S...
By teguh hadi s Saturday, May 30, 2020 Video Outline Basic High blood pressure Meaning this vidio explains that how domestic substances help to controle blood pressure or hypertention. #HighBloodPressure or #hypertensionTreatm...