By teguh hadi s Saturday, August 29, 2020 Video Understand Types High blood pressure Terminology Stress levels have skyrocketed in the last few weeks. While some of us are relieving it on some level, a majority of us are having trouble d...
By teguh hadi s Thursday, June 25, 2020 Video Overview Basic High blood pressure Definition योगाभ्यास Summary Basic hypertension Terminology High blood pressure, rarely has noticeable warning. But if untreated, it extend your risk o...
By teguh hadi s Tuesday, October 6, 2020 Video Overview Types hypertension Terminology Join Us On a journey with Muhammad Tariq Mahmood Maajzoobi Chughtai (db), towards enlightenment. For entangled domestic matters, financial c...
By teguh hadi s Sunday, August 23, 2020 Video Notes Types High blood pressure Terminology CAREGIVING Tips: Lesson 2 Pagkuha ng Blood Pressure, Heart Rate, Respiratory Rate By Doc Willie Ong 1. Napaka-halaga sa Caregivers at sa mga...
By teguh hadi s Thursday, June 18, 2020 Video Overview Basic hypertension Definition Subscribe to our channel and get 10 years of good health - You don't have to embark on a major life overhaul to ...
By teguh hadi s Friday, August 7, 2020 Video Outline Types hypertension Definition Hibiscus tea is an herbal tea made as a infusion from crimson or deep magenta colored calyces (sepals) of the roselle flower.It is consumed ...
By teguh hadi s Thursday, February 6, 2014 1960s 1970s 1990s Diet General The perils of Salt Dialysis finally forced recognition of its importance in kidney disease The Amazonian Yanomami Indians famously manage on only 50mg (1 mmol...
By teguh hadi s Monday, January 17, 2011 1950s ARF(AKI) HD The Korean War 1950-3: acute dialysis finds its place War medicine tests science and dialysis In June 1950, North Korea invaded South Korea. After a rapid advance, their army was repulsed by Ame...
By teguh hadi s Monday, January 7, 2013 1700s 1900s General Proteinuria: a bad thing since 400 B.C. Indicates risk of renal failure and death Isaac Sarrabat 1600; Physician examining a urine flask. (US National Library of Medicine) Hip...