By teguh hadi s Sunday, June 29, 2014 1800s 1900s General Monkey glands and the science of renal hypertension Quack medicine and technology contributed to the discovery of Renin in 1898 A 1928 advert exploiting the Monkey Gland craze. Source In 188...
By teguh hadi s Tuesday, May 19, 2020 image wallpaper Resume Types hypertension Meaning These are 15 Images about blood pressure by age blood pressure by age Blood pressure centiles for Great Britain Archives of Disease i...
By teguh hadi s Wednesday, May 6, 2015 1900s General The doctor's bag circa 1910 This doctor’s bag is in the London Science Museum. Though dated 1890-1930 much of its contents look very early 20th century. What it doesn’t...
By teguh hadi s Tuesday, May 16, 2017 1700s General Physiology Insipid diabetes A disease of 1769 becomes a treatment in 2015 The Edinburgh physician William Cullen described the difference between ‘sweet’ diabetes (mell...